Term details (English)


Sports shorts

Class: 25
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 25 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
de25SportshortsSource to target
es25Pantalones cortos de gimnasiaSource to target
et25Lühikesed spordipüksidSource to target
fi25UrheilusortsitSource to target
fr25Shorts de gymnastiqueSource to target
he25מכנסי התעמלות קצריםTerminology
hr25Sportske kratke hlačeSource to target
hu25SportnadrágokSource to target
it25Pantaloncini da ginnasticaSource to target
lt25Sportiniai šortaiSource to target
lv25Sporta šortiSource to target
sk25Športová obuvSource to target
sl25Športne kratke hlačeSource to target