Term details (German)


Chirurgisches Nähmaterial

Class: 10
Language: German
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 10 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da10SuturmaterialerSource to target
en10Suture materialsSource to target
es10Material de suturaSource to target
fi10HaavanompelutarvikkeetSource to target
fr10Matériel de sutureSource to target
hu10VarratanyagokSource to target
it10Materiale di suturaSource to target
lt10Žaizdų siuvimo medžiagosSource to target
mt10Materjali tal-pontiSource to target
nl10HechtmateriaalSource to target
pl10Materiały do zszywaniaSource to target
pt10Material de suturaSource to target
sk10Materiály na chirurgické šitieSource to target
sv10SuturmaterialSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)986700