Term details (Spanish)


Comercio de divisas

Class: 36
Language: Spanish
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 36 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs36Devizové transakceSource to target
da36Handel med valutaSource to target
de36DevisenhandelSource to target
el36Διαπραγμάτευση συναλλάγματοςSource to target
en36Currency dealingSource to target
fi36Valuutan välitysSource to target
hu36Valutaváltási tranzakciókSource to target
it36Compravendita di valutaSource to target
lt36Operacijos [sandoriai] užsienio valiutaSource to target
lv36Valūtas maiņas pakalpojumiSource to target
mt36Servizzi tal-kambju tal-flus barraninSource to target
nl36ValutahandelSource to target
pt36Comércio de divisasSource to target
sk36Obchodovanie s cennými papiermiSource to target
sl36Devizne transakcijeSource to target
sv36ValutahandelSource to target
SourceConcept reference