Term details (Slovak)


Fľaše na požívanie nápojov

Class: 21
Language: Slovak
Accepted by:
  • Class 21 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg21Туристически бутилкиTarget to target
cs21Láhve na pitíTarget to target
da21DrikkedunkeTarget to source
de21TrinkflaschenTarget to source
el21Φιάλες πόσηςTarget to target
en21Drinking bottlesTarget to source
es21Botellas para beberTarget to target
et21JoogipudelidTarget to target
fi21JuomapullotTarget to target
fr21Bouteilles à boireTarget to target
hr21Ploske za pićeTarget to target
hu21IvópalackokTarget to target
it21BorracceTarget to target
lt21Gėrimų buteliaiTarget to target
lv21Dzērienu pudelesTarget to target
mt21Fliexken tax-xorbTarget to target
nl21DrinkflessenTarget to target
pl21Butelki do spożywania napojówTarget to target
pt21Garrafas para bebidasTarget to target
ro21Recipiente pentru băuturiTarget to target
sl21Steklenice za pijačoTarget to target
sv21DrickflaskorTarget to source
SourceConcept reference