Term details (Swedish)


Handel med utländsk valuta

Class: 36
Language: Swedish
Accepted by:
  • Class 36 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg36Търговия с чуждестранна валутаTarget to target
da36Handel med udenlandsk valutaTarget to target
de36DevisenhandelTarget to target
el36Διαπραγμάτευση συναλλάγματοςTarget to target
en36Trading in foreign exchangeTarget to source
es36Transacciones de cambio de divisasTarget to target
et36ValuutavahetusteenusedTarget to target
fi36UlkomaanvaluutanvaihtoTarget to target
hu36ValutakereskedelemTarget to target
it36Cambio di valuta esteraTarget to target
lv36Valūtas maiņaTarget to target
nl36ValutahandelTarget to target
pt36Transacções cambiaisTarget to target
sk36Obchodovanie s devízamiTarget to target
SourceConcept reference