Term details (French)


Services de thérapie

Class: 44
Language: French
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 44 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
en44Therapy servicesSource to target
es44Servicios de terapiaSource to target
et44TeraapiateenusedSource to target
fi44HoitopalvelutSource to target
hu44Terápiás szolgáltatásokSource to target
it44Servizi terapeuticiSource to target
lt44Terapijos paslaugosSource to target
lv44Terapijas pakalpojumiSource to target
mt44Servizzi ta' terapijaSource to target
pl44Usługi terapeutyczneSource to target
pt44Serviços de terapiaSource to target
ro44Servicii de terapieSource to target
sl44Terapevtske storitveSource to target
sv44TerapitjänsterSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)935991