Term details (Maltese)


Sapun likwidu għall-banju

Class: 3
Language: Maltese
Accepted by:
  • Class 3 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg3Течни сапуниTarget to target
da3Flydende badesæbeTarget to target
de3Flüssige BadeseifenTarget to target
el3Υγρά σαπούνια για το μπάνιοTarget to target
es3Jabones líquidos para el bañoTarget to target
fi3Nestemäiset kylpysaippuatTarget to target
lt3Skysti vonios muilaiTarget to target
nl3Vloeibare badzepenTarget to source
pl3Mydła w płynie do kąpieliTarget to target
pt3Sabonetes líquidos para banhoTarget to target
sk3Tekuté mydlá do kúpeľaTarget to target
sl3Tekoča mila za kopanjeTarget to target
sv3Flytande badtvålTarget to target
SourceConcept reference