Term details (Lithuanian)


Investicinių lėšų valdymas

Class: 36
Language: Lithuanian
Accepted by:
  • Class 36 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg36Управление на хедж фондовеTarget to target
cs36Management investičního fonduTarget to target
de36InvestmentfondmanagementTarget to source
el36Διαχείριση επενδυτικών κεφαλαίωνTarget to target
fi36Suojausrahastojen hallintaTarget to target
fr36Gestion de fonds de sauvegardeTarget to target
hr36Upravljanje hedge fondovimaTarget to target
hu36Fedezeti alapok menedzseléseTarget to target
it36Gestione di fondi di coperturaTarget to source
nl36Beheer van hedgefondsenTarget to source
pl36Zarządzanie zabezpieczeniem funduszyTarget to target
pt36Gestão de fundos de coberturaTarget to source
ro36Gestionare de fonduri speculativeTarget to target
sk36Správa investičných fondovTarget to target
sv36Förvaltning av investeringarTarget to target
SourceConcept reference