Term details (English)


Cutlery, forks and spoons

Class: 8
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 8 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg8Ножарски изделия и прибори за храненеSource to target
cs8Nože, vidličky a lžíceSource to target
da8Knivsmedevarer, gafler og skeerSource to target
de8Messerschmiedewaren, Gabeln und LöffelSource to target
el8Όργανα κοπής, πιρούνια, κουτάλιαSource to target
es8Cuchillería, tenedores y cucharasSource to target
et8Noad, kahvlid, lusikadSource to target
fi8Veitset, haarukat ja lusikatSource to target
fr8Coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillersSource to target
he8סכו"ם, מזלגות וכפותTerminology
it8Articoli di coltelleria, forchette e cucchiaiSource to target
lt8Valgomieji įrankiaiSource to target
lv8Galda piederumiSource to target
mt8PożatiSource to target
nl8Messenmakerswaren, vorken en lepelsSource to target
pt8Cutelaria, garfos e colheresSource to target
ro8Cuţite, furculiţe şi linguriSource to target
sk8Nožiarsky tovar, príborSource to target
sl8Noži, vilice in žliceSource to target
sv8Knivsmidesvaror, bestickSource to target