Term details (Finnish)


Hedelmämehua sisältävät alkoholittomat juomat

Class: 32
Language: Finnish
Accepted by:
  • Class 32 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs32Energetické nápojeSource to target
da32EnergidrikkeSource to target
de32EnergydrinksSource to target
el32Ποτά για τόνωση της ενέργειαςSource to target
en32Energy drinksSource to target
es32Bebidas energéticasSource to target
et32EnergiajoogidSource to target
fr32Boissons énergétiquesSource to target
hr32Bezalkoholna pića koja sadrže voćne sokoveTarget to target
it32Bevande energeticheSource to target
ko32과일주스를 함유한 무알코올음료Pivot
lt32Energiniai gėrimaiSource to target
nl32EnergiedrankenSource to target
pl32Napoje orzeźwiająceSource to target
pt32Bebidas energéticasSource to target
sk32Energetické nápojeSource to target
sv32EnergidryckerSource to target
SourceConcept reference