Term details (French)


Colle de poisson à usage ménager

Class: 16
Language: French
Accepted by:
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
de16Fischleim für HaushaltszweckeTarget to target
el16Ιχθυόκολλα για οικιακή χρήσηTarget to target
en16Isinglass for household purposesTarget to source
fi16Kalanliima kotitaloustarkoituksiinTarget to target
hu16Halenyv háztartási célokraTarget to target
it16Ittiocolla per uso domesticoTarget to target
ko16가정용 부레풀Pivot
lv16Zivju līme izmantošanai mājsaimniecībāTarget to target
mt16Isinglass għall-użu domestikuTarget to target
pt16Ictiocola para uso domésticoTarget to target
sv16Husbloss för hushållsändamålTarget to target
SourceConcept reference