Term details (Portuguese)


Sacolas escolares

Class: 18
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: Brazil (INPI BR)
  • Class 18 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs18Tašky školní (aktovky)Target to target
da18SkoletaskerTarget to target
el18Σχολικές σάκεςTarget to target
en18Satchels (School -)Target to source
es18Carteras de colegioTarget to target
et18KooliranitsadTarget to target
fi18OlkalaukutTarget to target
fr18CartablesTarget to target
hu18IskolatáskákTarget to target
it18Cartelle scolasticheTarget to target
nl18SchooltassenTarget to target
sk18Školské aktovkyTarget to target
sv18Skolväskor med axelremmarTarget to target
SourceConcept reference
Nice (INPI BR)180020