Term details (Italian)


Gestione di immobili

Class: 36
Language: Italian
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 36 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg36Управление на имотиTarget to target
cs36Správa budovSource to target
da36Forvaltning af bygningerSource to target
de36GebäudeverwaltungSource to target
el36Διαχείριση κτιρίωνSource to target
en36Management of buildingsSource to target
es36Gestión de edificiosSource to target
fi36KiinteistöhallintaSource to target
fr36Gestion d'immeublesSource to target
lt36Pastatų valdymasSource to target
nl36Beheer van gebouwenSource to target
pl36Zarządzanie budynkamiSource to target
pt36Administração de edifíciosSource to target
sl36Upravljanje zgradbSource to target
sv36Förvaltning av byggnaderSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)977707