Term details (Portuguese)


Serviço de alimentos e bebidas

Class: 43
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 43 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs43Podávání jídel a nápojůTarget to target
en43Serving of food and drink/beveragesTarget to source
es43Servicio de comidas y bebidasTarget to target
hr43Serviranje hrane i pićaTarget to target
hu43Ételek és italok felszolgálásaTarget to target
it43Servizi di ristorazioneTarget to target
lt43Maisto ir gėrimų patiekimasTarget to target
lv43Ēdienu un dzērienu pasniegšanaTarget to target
sk43Podávanie jedál a nápojovTarget to target
SourceConcept reference