Term details (Italian)


Banchi da lavoro

Class: 20
Language: Italian
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 20 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg20Работни плотовеSource to target
cs20Pracovní stolySource to target
da20ArbejdsbænkeSource to target
de20WerkbänkeSource to target
el20Πάγκοι εργασίαςSource to target
en20Work benchesSource to target
es20Bancos de trabajoSource to target
et20HöövelpingidSource to target
hr20Radni stoloviSource to target
hu20Munkapadok, munkaasztalokSource to target
lt20DarbastaliaiSource to target
mt20Bankijiet tax-xogħolSource to target
nl20WerkbankenSource to target
pl20Stoły warsztatoweSource to target
pt20Bancadas de trabalhoSource to target
ro20Bancuri de lucruSource to target
sk20Pracovné stoly, hobliceSource to target
sl20Delovne mizeSource to target
sv20ArbetsbänkarSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)935558