Term details (Spanish)


Servicios de residencias de la tercera edad

Class: 43
Language: Spanish
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 43 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs43Domovy důchodcůSource to target
da43PlejehjemSource to target
el43Υπηρεσίες οίκων ευγηρίαςSource to target
et43VanadekodudSource to target
fr43Maisons de retraiteSource to target
hu43Nyugdíjas otthonokSource to target
nl43Diensten van bejaardentehuizenSource to target
pl43Domy opieki dla osób w podeszłym wiekuSource to target
pt43Serviços de lares de terceira idadeSource to target
sk43Domovy dôchodcovSource to target
sl43Starostni domoviSource to target
sv43ÅlderdomshemSource to target
SourceConcept reference