Term details (English)


Pasta making machines

Class: 7
Language: English
Accepted by: Israel (ILPO)
  • Class 7 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs7Stroje na výrobu těstovinSource to target
de7Maschinen zur Herstellung von TeigwarenSource to target
fr7Machines pour la fabrication des pâtes alimentairesSource to target
he7מכונות להכנת פסטהTerminology
hu7Száraztésztagyártó gépekSource to target
lt7Makaronų gaminimo mašinosSource to target
pt7Máquinas para o fabrico de massas alimentíciasSource to target
sl7Stroji za izdelavo testeninSource to target
SourceConcept reference
KIPO Supplement009555
ILPO Supplement951944