Term details (Croatian)


Kratke gaće

Class: 25
Language: Croatian
Accepted by:
  • Class 25 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg25ПанталониTarget to target
cs25SpodkyTarget to target
da25UnderbukserTarget to target
de25UnterhosenTarget to target
el25ΣώβρακαTarget to target
en25UndershortsTarget to target
es25CalzoncillosTarget to target
et25AluspüksidTarget to target
fi25AlushousutTarget to target
fr25CaleçonsTarget to target
hu25AlsónadrágokTarget to target
it25BoxerTarget to target
lt25Kelnės (Apatinės -)Target to target
lv25BokseršortiTarget to target
mt25Boxer shortsTarget to target
nl25OnderbroekenTarget to target
pl25KalesonyTarget to source
pt25CuecasTarget to target
ro25ChiloţiTarget to target
sl25Spodnje hlačeTarget to target
SourceConcept reference