Term details (Spanish)


Lociones para la piel

Class: 3
Language: Spanish
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 3 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs3Pleťové vodyTarget to target
da3HudlotionerTarget to target
el3Λοσιόν για το δέρμαTarget to target
en3Lotions for the skinTarget to source
fi3IhoemulsiotTarget to target
fr3Lotions pour la peauTarget to target
it3Lozioni per la pelleTarget to source
lt3Odos losjonaiTarget to target
lv3Ādas losjoniTarget to target
pt3Loções para a peleTarget to target
sk3Pleťové mliekaTarget to target
sl3Losjoni za kožoTarget to target
SourceConcept reference