Term details (Italian)


Moduli prestampati

Class: 16
Language: Italian
Accepted by:
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16Бланки [печатни]Source to target
da16Fortrykte formularerSource to target
de16FormblätterSource to target
el16Έντυπα προς συμπλήρωσηSource to target
en16Printed formsSource to target
et16Trükitud blanketidSource to target
fi16Painetut lomakkeetSource to target
fr16Formulaires imprimésSource to target
lt16Spausdintiniai blankaiSource to target
lv16VeidlapasSource to target
mt16Formoli (stampati)Source to target
nl16FormulierenSource to target
pl16BlankietySource to target
pt16Formulários (impressos)Source to target
sk16TlačiváSource to target
sl16Tiskani obrazciSource to target
sv16Tryckta blanketterSource to target
SourceConcept reference