Term details (Croatian)


Informativni letci

Class: 16
Language: Croatian
Accepted by:
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16Информационни листовкиTarget to target
cs16Informační letákyTarget to source
da16Løbesedler med informationTarget to target
de16InformationshandzettelTarget to target
el16Φέιγ-βολάν για παροχή πληροφοριώνTarget to target
en16Informational flyersTarget to source
fi16TiedotuslehtisetTarget to target
hu16Tájékoztató röplapokTarget to target
it16Volantini informativiTarget to target
lt16Informacinės skrajutėsTarget to target
pl16Ulotki informacyjneTarget to target
pt16Folhetos informativosTarget to target
sk16Informačné letákyTarget to target
sl16Informacijski letakiTarget to target
sv16Informativa flygbladTarget to target
SourceConcept reference