Term details (Latvian)


Informācijas lapiņas

Class: 16
Language: Latvian
Accepted by:
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16ДиплянкиTarget to target
cs16Informační bulletinyTarget to target
da16NyhedsbreveTarget to source
de16FaltblätterTarget to source
el16Ενημερωτικά φυλλάδιαTarget to source
fi16LehtisetTarget to source
fr16DépliantsTarget to source
hu16SzórólapokTarget to target
mt16Rapporti informaliTarget to target
ro16Buletine de ştiriTarget to target
sk16Informačné letákyTarget to target
sl16ProspektiTarget to target
SourceConcept reference