Term details (French)


Eaux minérales

Class: 32
Language: French
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI)
  • Class 32 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg32Минерална водаSource to target
da32MineralvandSource to target
de32MineralwässerSource to target
en32Mineral watersSource to target
es32Aguas mineralesSource to target
et32MineraalvesiSource to target
fi32KivennäisvedetSource to target
hu32ÁsványvizekSource to target
it32Acque mineraliSource to target
lv32MinerālūdeņiSource to target
mt32Ilma mineraliSource to target
nl32MineraalwaterSource to target
pl32Woda mineralnaSource to target
ro32Apă mineralăSource to target
sl32Mineralna vodaSource to target
sv32MineralvattenSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)IPI1391