Term details (French)


Services de fiduciaires

Class: 36
Language: French
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 36 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs36Správa majetkuSource to target
da36Forvaltning af båndlagt kapitalSource to target
el36Υπηρεσίες καταπιστευμάτωνSource to target
en36TrusteeshipSource to target
et36Fidutsiaarteenused, usaldusteenusedSource to target
hr36Fiducijarne uslugeSource to target
hu36VagyonkezelésSource to target
it36Servizi fiduciariSource to target
lt36Patikėtinių veiklaSource to target
lv36AizbildnībaSource to target
nl36Fiduciaire dienstenSource to target
pl36Usługi powierniczeSource to target
pt36Serviços fiduciáriosSource to target
ro36Servicii fiduciareSource to target
sl36Skrbništvo (finančno)Source to target
sv36FörvaltarskapSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)948563