Term details (Dutch)



Class: 16
Language: Dutch
Accepted by:
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16Бюлетини с новиниSource to target
cs16LetákySource to target
da16NyhedsbreveSource to target
de16RundschreibenSource to target
el16Ενημερωτικά δελτίαSource to target
en16NewslettersSource to target
et16TeadetelehedSource to target
fi16UutislehdetSource to target
fr16CirculairesSource to target
hu16HírlevelekSource to target
it16BollettiniSource to target
lt16Informaciniai biuleteniaiSource to target
lv16SkrejlapasSource to target
mt16Bulettini [Rapporti informali]Source to target
pl16BiuletynySource to target
pt16CircularesSource to target
ro16Buletine informativeSource to target
sk16ObežníkySource to target
sl16OkrožniceSource to target
sv16NyhetsbrevSource to target
SourceConcept reference