Term details (English)


Gas cooking stoves

Class: 11
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 11 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da11GaskomfurerSource to target
de11GasherdeSource to target
es11Cocinas de gasSource to target
et11GaasiahjudSource to target
fi11KaasuliedetSource to target
fr11Appareils de cuisson à gazSource to target
he11תנורי גזTerminology
hu11GáztűzhelyekSource to target
it11Cucine a gasSource to target
lt11Dujinės viryklėsSource to target
mt11Kukers tal-gassSource to target
nl11GasfornuizenSource to target
pt11Fogões de cozinha a gásSource to target
sk11Plynové sporákySource to target
sv11GasspisarSource to target