Term details (Croatian)


Pletene hlače

Class: 25
Language: Croatian
Accepted by:
  • Class 25 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg25Плетени долнищаTarget to target
cs25Pletené spodní prádloTarget to target
de25StrickhosenTarget to target
en25Knit bottomsTarget to source
fi25Neulotut alaosatTarget to target
fr25Bas tricotésTarget to target
he25גרביונים סרוגיםPivot
mt25Knit bottomsTarget to target
sk25Pletené spodné dielyTarget to target
sl25Pleteni spodnji deliTarget to target
sv25Stickade nederdelarTarget to target
SourceConcept reference