Term details (Italian)


Piastrelle di pietra naturale

Class: 19
Language: Italian
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 19 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da19Fliser af naturstenSource to target
de19Fliesen aus NatursteinSource to target
el19Πλακάκια από φυσικό λίθοSource to target
es19Baldosas de piedra naturalSource to target
fr19Carreaux en pierre naturelleSource to target
hr19Pločice od prirodnog kamenaSource to target
lt19Natūralaus akmens plytelėsSource to target
lv19Dabīgā akmens flīzesSource to target
nl19Tegels van natuursteenSource to target
pl19Płytki z kamienia naturalnegoSource to target
pt19Ladrilhos de pedra naturalSource to target
sk19Dlaždice z prírodného kameňaSource to target
sv19Plattor av naturstenSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)941460