Term details (Italian)


Letti ad acqua

Class: 20
Language: Italian
Accepted by:
  • Class 20 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg20Водни леглаSource to target
da20VandsengeSource to target
de20WasserbettenSource to target
en20Water bedsSource to target
et20VesivoodidSource to target
he20מיטות מיםPivot
hr20Vodeni krevetiSource to target
hu20VízágyakSource to target
lt20Vandens lovosSource to target
nl20WaterbeddenSource to target
pl20Wodne łóżkaSource to target
sk20Vodné posteleSource to target
sl20Vodne posteljeSource to target
sv20VattensängarSource to target
SourceConcept reference