Term details (Italian)


Mappe stradali

Class: 16
Language: Italian
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI)
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16Пътни картиSource to target
cs16Silniční mapySource to target
da16VejkortSource to target
de16StraßenkartenSource to target
el16Οδικοί χάρτεςSource to target
en16Road mapsSource to target
es16Mapas de carreterasSource to target
fi16TiekartatSource to target
fr16Cartes routièresSource to target
hr16Cestovne karteSource to target
lt16Kelių žemėlapiaiSource to target
lv16Ceļu kartesSource to target
nl16WegenkaartenSource to target
pl16Mapy drogoweSource to target
sk16Cestné mapySource to target
sl16Cestni zemljevidiSource to target
sv16VägkartorSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)984617