Term details (Spanish)


Vasos para cerveza

Class: 21
Language: Spanish
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 21 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg21Чаши за бираSource to target
cs21Sklenice na pivoSource to target
da21ØlglasSource to target
de21BiergläserSource to target
en21Beer glassesSource to target
et21ÕlleklaasidSource to target
fi21OlutlasitSource to target
fr21Verres à bièreSource to target
hr21Čaše za pivoSource to target
hu21SöröspoharakSource to target
it21Bicchieri da birraSource to target
lt21Alaus bokalaiSource to target
lv21Alus glāzesSource to target
mt21Tazez tal-birraSource to target
nl21BierglazenSource to target
pl21Kufle na piwoSource to target
pt21Copos de cervejaSource to target
ro21Pahare de bereSource to target
sk21Pivové poháreSource to target
sv21ÖlglasSource to target
SourceConcept reference