Term details (English)


Cycle tires

Class: 12
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , WIPO
  • Class 12 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg12Гуми за велосипедиSource to target
cs12Pneumatiky na kolaSource to target
da12CykeldækSource to target
es12Neumáticos para bicicletasSource to target
fi12Polkupyörien renkaatSource to target
hr12Gume za bicikleSource to target
hu12KerékpárkerekekSource to target
it12Pneumatici per bicicletteSource to target
ko12오토바이용 타이어Terminology
lt12Dviračių padangosSource to target
lv12Velosipēdu riepasSource to target
mt12Tajers għar-rotiSource to target
pt12Pneus para bicicletasSource to target
sl12Pnevmatike za kolesaSource to target
sv12CykeldäckSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Japan supplement (JPO)23512008963