Term details (English)


Pulverisers [machines]

Class: 7
Language: English
Accepted by: Antigua and Barbuda (ABIPCO) , ARIPO, Belize (BELIPO) , Namibia (BIPA) , Benelux (BOIP) , Tanzania (BRELA) , Malta (CD IPRD) , India (CGPDTM) , Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (CIPO - VC) , Cambodia (DIP) , Laos (DIP LAOS) , EM (EUIPO) , Ghana (GHIPO) , The Gambia (GIPO) , Israel (ILPO) , Australia (IPA) , Ireland (IPOI) , New Zealand (IPONZ) , Philippines (IPOPHL) , Saint Kitts and Nevis (IPOSKN) , Jordan (IPPD) , Iceland (ISIPO) , Malaysia (MYIPO) , OAPI, Zambia (PACRA) , Saint Lucia (ROCIP) , Trinidad and Tobago (TTIPO) , Uganda (URSB) , WIPO
  • Class 7 > Dispensing machines