Term details (German)


Essig- und Ölkännchen aus Edelmetall

Class: 21
Language: German
Accepted by:
  • Class 21 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
en21Cruets of precious metalSource to target
fr21Burettes en métaux précieuxSource to target
hr21Bočice za ulje ili ocat od plemenitih metalaTarget to target
it21Ampolle in metallo preziosoSource to target
lt21Prieskoninės (brangiųjų metalų)Source to target
nl21Olie- en azijnflesjes van edele metalenSource to target
pt21Galhetas em metais preciososSource to target
sk21Karafy z drahých kovovSource to target
sl21Stekleničke za kis in olje iz žlahtnih kovinSource to target
SourceConcept reference