Term details (Italian)


Fermagli per lettere

Class: 16
Language: Italian
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16КламериSource to target
cs16Kancelářské sponkySource to target
da16PapirclipsSource to target
de16BüroklammernSource to target
en16Paper clipsSource to target
et16KirjaklambridSource to target
fi16PaperiliittimetSource to target
fr16TrombonesSource to target
hr16Kvačice za pismaSource to target
hu16Iratkapcsok, gemkapcsokSource to target
lt16Popieriaus sąvaržėlėsSource to target
lv16Papīra saspraudesSource to target
mt16Klipps tal-kartiSource to target
nl16PaperclipsSource to target
pl16Spinacze do papieruSource to target
sl16Papirne sponkeSource to target
sv16PappersklämmorSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)984829