Term details (English)


Metallic coffers

Class: 6
Language: English
Accepted by: Belize (BELIPO) , Benelux (BOIP) , Tanzania (BRELA) , Malta (CD IPRD) , Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (CIPO - VC) , EM (EUIPO) , Ghana (GHIPO) , The Gambia (GIPO) , Israel (ILPO) , Ireland (IPOI) , Philippines (IPOPHL) , Saint Kitts and Nevis (IPOSKN) , Iceland (ISIPO) , OAPI, Zambia (PACRA) , Saint Lucia (ROCIP) , Trinidad and Tobago (TTIPO) , Uganda (URSB)
  • Class 6 > Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal
  • Class 6 > Building and construction materials and elements of metal
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg6Сандъци от металTerminology
bs6Metalni sanduciTerminology
cs6Kovové bednyTerminology
da6Skrin af metalTerminology
de6Kisten, Kästen aus MetallTerminology
el6Μπαούλα μεταλλικάTerminology
es6Cofres metálicosTerminology
et6Metallist kirstud, kastidTerminology
fr6Coffres métalliquesTerminology
hr6Sanduci od metalaTerminology
hu6Fém ládákTerminology
it6Cassepanche [cofani] metallicheTerminology
ka6ლითონის ყუთებიTerminology
lt6Metalinės dėžėsTerminology
lv6Metāla tilpnesTerminology
me6Korita (metalna korita) [rezervoari]Terminology
mk6Сандаци од металTerminology
mt6Kontenituri għaż-żibel tal-metallTerminology
nl6Kisten van metaalTerminology
no6Kister av metallTerminology
pl6Pojemniki [kasety, paki] metaloweTerminology
pt6Cofres metálicosTerminology
ro6Lăzi metaliceTerminology
sk6Kovové truhliceTerminology
sl6Kovinski zabojiTerminology
sq6Sende prej metaliTerminology
sv6Lårar av metallTerminology
SourceConcept reference
ILPO Supplement0035631