Term details (Czech)


Informacní zpravodaje

Class: 16
Language: Czech
Accepted by:
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16Бюлетини с новиниTarget to target
da16NyhedsbreveTarget to source
de16InformationsbroschürenTarget to source
el16Ενημερωτικά δελτίαTarget to source
es16Boletines informativosTarget to source
fr16Bulletins d'informationTarget to source
hr16Informativne brošureTarget to target
hu16HírlevelekTarget to source
lt16Informaciniai bukletaiTarget to target
mt16Rapporti informaliTarget to target
pl16Biuletyny informacyjneTarget to target
ro16Carnete cu informatiiTarget to target
sl16OkrožniceTarget to source
sv16NyhetsbrevTarget to source
SourceConcept reference