Term details (English)


Knit fabrics

Class: 24
Language: English
Accepted by: Canada (CIPO - OPIC)
  • Class 24 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs24ÚpletSource to target
da24Strikvævede stofferSource to target
de24Gewirkte StoffeSource to target
et24TrikooriieSource to target
fr24Tissus de tricotTerminology
hr24Pletena tkaninaTarget to target
hu24Kötött szövetekSource to target
it24Tessuti di magliaSource to target
lt24Megzti audiniaiSource to target
mt24Drapp tal-maljaSource to target
nl24Gebreide stoffenSource to target
pl24DzianinaSource to target
pt24Tecidos tricotadosSource to target
sk24Pleteniny [látky]Source to target
sl24Pleteno blagoSource to target
SourceConcept reference
CIPO Supplement25444