Term details (English)


Copy paper

Class: 16
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , United States (USPTO) , WIPO
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16Копирна хартияSource to target
cs16Papír na kopírováníSource to target
da16KopipapirSource to target
de16KopierpapierSource to target
es16Papel de copiaSource to target
et16KopeerpaberSource to target
fi16KopiopaperiSource to target
he16נייר צילוםTerminology
it16Carta per copie multipleSource to target
lt16Kopijavimo popieriusSource to target
nl16KopieerpapierSource to target
pl16Papier przebitkowySource to target
pt16Papel de cópiaSource to target
sl16Kopirni papirSource to target
sv16KopieringspapperSource to target