Term details (German)



Class: 6
Language: German
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 6 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg6Метални касиSource to target
da6PengeskabeSource to target
el6ΧρηματοκιβώτιαSource to target
en6StrongboxesSource to target
es6Cajas de caudalesSource to target
et6SeifidSource to target
fi6KassakaapitSource to target
fr6Coffres-fortsSource to target
hu6SzéfekSource to target
it6CassefortiSource to target
lt6SeifaiSource to target
nl6BrandkastenSource to target
pl6SejfySource to target
pt6Cofres-fortesSource to target
ro6SeifuriSource to target
sl6SefiSource to target
sv6KassaskåpSource to target