Term details (English)



Class: 25
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , United States (USPTO) , WIPO
  • Class 25 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg25КамизолиSource to target
cs25NegližéSource to target
de25CamisettesSource to target
el25ΚορμάκιαSource to target
es25CamisetasSource to target
et25NaistepluusidSource to target
fi25KorsetitSource to target
fr25CorsetsSource to target
he25בגדי גוף צמודים לנשיםTerminology
hu25FűzőkSource to target
it25CamicetteSource to target
lt25KorsetaiSource to target
nl25ChemisettesSource to target
pl25KamizelkiSource to target
pt25CamisetasSource to target
ro25CorseteSource to target