
Articles and information related to TMclass.

  • Mauritius and Suriname join TMclass

    As of 16 December 2024, the Industrial Property Office of Mauritius (IPOM)and the Intellectual Property Office of Suriname (BIE) will accept the terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) TMclass search and classification tool.

    Following IPOM’s and BIE’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 36 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.

    The new incorporations of IPOM and BIE in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the EUIPO, to 96.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services in any of the 44 available languages as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification system.

    The integration of IPOM and BIE in TMclass are concrete results of the EUIPO’s collaboration efforts in Africa and the Caribbean through the EU-funded IP cooperation ‘AfrIPI’ and ‘CarIPI’ projects.

    More information is available at, and

    16  December  2024
  • Cabo Verde joins TMclass and the Harmonised Database

    On 26 August 2024, the Cabo Verde ‘Instituto de Gestão da Qualidade e da Propriedade Intelectual’ (IGQPI joined the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) TMclass search tool and implemented the harmonised database (HDB) list of terms for trade mark classification within the tool.

    TMclass and HDB allow users to search and translate classification terms in 41 languages, while the TMclass graphical user interface supports a total of 37 languages.

    The integration of Cabo Verde in TMclass is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s extensive cooperation efforts in African jurisdictions through the EU funded IP cooperation project AfrIPI.

    By joining TMclass, the IGQPI joins a group of 10 pioneering African countries and 2 regional IP offices in fully embracing digital internationalisation. As a result, there are now 34 non-EU intellectual property offices using TMclass and accepting terms from this harmonised database, bringing the total number of participating IP offices to 94.

    For further information, please visit our websites and

    13  September  2024
  • Ghana joins TMclass

    As of 13 May 2024,the Registrar General’s Department of Ghana (GHIPO) will use and accept the terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.

    Following GHIPO’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 34 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.

    The new incorporation of GHIPO in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 93.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.

    The integration of GHIPO in TMclass is a concrete result of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights Action for Africa(AfrIPI), which is implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

    You can find out more at and

    13  May  2024
  • HDB updated with Nice 12th Edition and Taxonomy version 2024

    In January the 2024 version of Nice Classification 12th Edition went into force, and the HDB was at that time updated accordingly to full compliance. Information regarding the changes for Nice can be obtained from WIPO.

    Additionally, the Taxonomy has been updated to 2024 version. Taxonomy is a dynamic and adaptable system for the categorisation of goods and services. Consequently, it is continuously revised and reviewed to reflect the latest market changes and developments. Integration of these market developments, as well as the latest version/edition of Nice Classification is through the yearly update every January.


    The changes to Taxonomy 2024 are fully integratedin HDB and implemented in TMclass.


    Details of the changes are specified in thefollowing documents:

    Taxonomy 2024

    Taxonomy 2024 visualisations

    19  March  2024
  • Tanzania joins TMclass

    As of 11 March 2024, the Business Registrations and Licensing Agency of Tanzania (BRELA) will use and accept the terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following BRELA’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 33 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The new incorporation of BRELA in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 92.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The integration of BRELA in TMclass is a concrete result of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights Action for Africa(AfrIPI), which is implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)


    You can find out more at and

    11  March  2024
  • The Gambia joins TMclass

    As of 18 December 2023, The Gambia Industrial Property Office (GIPO) will use and accept the terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following GIPO’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 32 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The new incorporation of GIPO in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 96.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The integration of GIPO in TMclass is a concrete result of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)


    You can find out more at and and


    18  December  2023
  • Angola joins DESIGNclass and extends the coverage of TMClass to the Harmonised Data Base (HDB)

    As of 30 October 2023, the National Institute of Industrial Property of Angola (IAPI-AO) is part of DESIGNclass and will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DESIGNclass. Angola will also use the list of terms from the harmonised data base for trade marks classification in TMClass.

    Following IAPI-AO’s decision to use HDBPI, there are now 17 IP offices outside the EU in DESIGNclass, which use and accept the terms from this harmonised database.

    Regarding the use of TMClass including the use of the harmonised data base, the number of non-EU offices using HDB is now 31.

    The last addition of IAPI-AO in DESIGNclass bringst he total number of participating IP offices to 43.

    DESIGNclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate product indications in 30 languages.

    Regarding TMClass/HDB the users have the opportunity to search and translate classification terms in 37 languages

    The adoption of HDBPI by IAPI-AO is a concrete result of the AfrIPI project, funded by the EU and implemented by EUIPO.

    You can find out more at and and

    30  October  2023
  • Paraguay joins TMclass

    As of 08 May 2023,the National Directorate of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Paraguay (DINAPI) will use and accept the terms from the alphabetical list of Nice in Spanish in TMclass.

    The new incorporation of DINAPI in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 95.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.

    The integration of DINAPI in TMclass is a concrete result of the Action AL-INVEST Verde IPR, funded by the EU and implemented by EUIPO. 

    You can find out more at and

    08  May  2023
  • HDB updated with Nice 12th Edition and Taxonomy version 2023

    01/01/2023 the 2023 version of Nice Classificationedition 12 went into force, and the HDB was at that time updated accordingly to full compliance. Information regarding the changes for Nice can be obtained from WIPO.


    Additionally, the Taxonomy has been updated to 2023version. Taxonomy is a dynamic and adaptable system for the categorisation of goods and services. Consequently, it is continuously revised and reviewed to reflect the latest market changes and developments. Integration of these market developments, as well as the latest version/edition of Nice Classification is through the yearly update every January.


    The changes to Taxonomy 2023 are fully integratedin HDB and implemented in TMclass.


    Details of the changes are specified in thefollowing documents:


    Taxonomy2023 visualisations

    23  February  2023
  • Iceland joins HDB

    As of 16 January2023, the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office (ISIPO) will use and accept the terms in English from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.

    Following ISIPO’s decision to adopt HDB, there are now 30 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, in TMclass is 94.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by ISIPO is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation programme in collaboration with its international partners.


    You can find out more at and

    16  January  2023
  • Angola and Zambia join TMclass

    As of 19 December2022, the Angolan Institute of Industrial Property(IAPI) and the Patents and Companies Registration Agency of Zambia (PACRA) will use and accept the terms from the alphabetical list of Nice and the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass respectively.


    Following PACRA’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 29 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.

    The new incorporations of IAPI and PACRA in TMclass bring the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 94.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The integrations of IAPI and PACRA in TMclass are thanks to EUIPO’s International Cooperation programme in collaboration with the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by EUIPO.


    You can find out more at and

    19  December  2022
  • São Tomé and Príncipe and El Salvador will use HDB

    As of 12 December 2022, the National Service of Intellectual Property and Quality of São Tomé and Príncipe (SENAPIQ-STP) and the National Registration Center of El Salvador (CNR) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.

    Following the decision of SENAPIQ-STP and CNR to use the HDB, there are now 28 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.

    The new incorporation of SENAPIQ-STP in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 92.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.

    The integration of SENAPIQ-STP in TMclass with HDB is thanks to EUIPO’s International Cooperation programme in collaboration with the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by EUIPO, whereas the adoption of the HDB by CNR is a concrete result of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and implemented by the EUIPO.

    You can find out more at and and and

    12  December  2022
  • Guatemala and North Macedonia will use HDB

    As of 21 November 2022, the Registry of Intellectual Property of Guatemala (RPI-GT) and the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of North Macedonia (SOIP) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following the decision of RPI-GT and SOIP to use the HDB, there are now 26 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The new incorporation of RPI-GT in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 91.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by SOIP is thanks to the EUIPO’s International Cooperation programme in collaboration with its international partners, whereas the integration of the RPI-GT in TMclass and its adoption of HDB is a concrete result of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and

    21  November  2022

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    June 2022 Monthly Cycle Results

    06  July  2022
  • Haiti will use HDB

    As of 13 June 2022, the Industrial Property Service of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Haiti (SPIMCI) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following SPIMCI’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 24 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The inclusion of SPIMCI in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 90.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by SPIMCI is a concrete result of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project (CarIPI) funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and


    13  June  2022

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    May 2022 Monthly Cycle Results

    09  June  2022

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    April2022 Monthly Cycle Results

    02  May  2022
  • Albania will use HDB

    As of 27 April 2022, the General Directorate of Industrial Property of Albania (GDIP) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following GDIP’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 23 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The inclusion of GDIP in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 89.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by GDIP is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation programme in collaboration with its international partners.


    You can find out more at and

    27  April  2022

    The Harmonised Database isconstantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    March 2022 Monthly Cycle Results

    01  April  2022

    The HarmonisedDatabase is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    February 2022 Monthly Cycle Results

    03  March  2022

    The Harmonised Database isconstantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    January 2022 Monthly Cycle Results

    03  February  2022
  • San Marino will use HDB

    As of 31 January 2022, the State Patent and Trademark Office of San Marino (USBM) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.

    Following USBM’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 22 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.

    The inclusion of USBM in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 89.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.

    The adoption of the HDB by USBM is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation programme in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at and

    31  January  2022
  • HDB updated with Nice 11.2022 and Taxonomy version 2022

    01/01/2022 the 2022 version of Nice Classification edition 11 went into force, and the HDB was at that time updated accordingly to full compliance. Information regarding the changes for Nice can be obtained from WIPO.


    Additionally, the Taxonomy has been updated to 2022 version. Taxonomy is a dynamic and adaptable system for the categorisation of goods and services. Consequently, it is continuously revised and reviewed to reflect the latest market changes and developments. Integration of these market developments, as well as the latest version/edition of Nice Classification is through the yearly update every January.


    The changes to Taxonomy 2022 are fully integrated in HDB and implemented in TMclass.


    Details of the changes are specified in the following documents:

    Taxonomy 2022 document

    Taxonomy 2022 visualisations

    12  January  2022
  • Thailand joins TMclass

    As of 15 December 2021, the Department of Intellectual Property of Thailand (DIP-TH) joined TMclass with its list of goods and services in Thai.


    The inclusion of DIP-TH in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 89.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The integration of DIP-TH in TMclass is a concrete result of the IP Key South-East Asia programme directed by the European Commission and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and

    20  December  2021
  • Trinidad and Tobago will use HDB

    As of 13 December 2021, the Trinidad and Tobago Intellectual Property Office (TTIPO) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following TTIPO’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 21 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The inclusion of TTIPO in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 89.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by TTIPO is a concrete result of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project (CarIPI) funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and

    13  December  2021


    TheHarmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the October cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    October2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    09  December  2021


    TheHarmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the September cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    September2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    09  December  2021


    TheHarmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the August cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    August2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    09  December  2021
  • Antigua and Barbuda joins TMclass

    As of 15 November 2021, the Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Companies Office (ABIPCO) will be included in TMclass. ABIPCO will join with the alphabetical list of the Nice classification and a supplement of common terms between the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) and the Madrid Goods & Services (MGS).


    The inclusion of ABIPCO in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 89.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The incorporation of ABIPCO in TMclass with Nice and the common terms between HDB and MGS is a concrete result of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project (CarIPI) funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and

    15  November  2021
  • Saint Lucia joins TMclass

    As of 25 October 2021, the Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property of Saint Lucia (ROCIP) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following ROCIP’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 20 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The inclusion of ROCIP in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 88.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by ROCIP is a concrete result of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and

    25  October  2021
  • Montenegro enhances its participation in TMclass

    As of 04 October 2021, the Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro (MEDM) has enhanced its participation in TMclass. From this day, MEDM will use and accept the terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass in Montenegrin.


    Following MEDM’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 19 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    There are 87 national and regional IPoffices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, participating in TMclass.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by MEDM is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation programme in collaboration with its international partners.


    You can find out more at and

    04  October  2021
  • Belize joins TMclass

    As of 13 September 2021, the Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following BELIPO’s decision to use the HDB, there are now 18 IP offices outside the EU that use and accept terms from this database.


    The inclusion of BELIPO in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 87.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The adoption of the HDB by BELIPO is a concrete result of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and

    13  September  2021
  • Namibia joins TMclass

    As of 13 August 2021, the Namibian Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) will be included in TMclass. BIBA will join with the alphabetical list of the Nice classification.

    The inclusion of BIPA in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 86.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.


    The incorporation of BIBA in TMclass is a concrete result of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and 

    13  August  2021


    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the July cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    July 2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    05  August  2021
  • Philippines will use HDB

    As of 28 July 2021, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) will use and accept the list ofterms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.


    Following IPOPHL’s decision to use HDB there are now 17 IP offices outside the EU, which use and accept terms from this database.


    The last addition of IPOPHL in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 85.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available.


    The adoption of HDB by IPOPHL is a concrete result of the IPKey South-East Asia programme funded by the European Union and implemented by the EUIPO.

    You can find out more at and

    28  July  2021


    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    June 2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    19  July  2021
  • Honduras joins TMclass

    As of 14 July 2021, the General Directorate of Intellectual Property of Honduras (DIGEPIH) will be included in TMclass. The DIGEPIH will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.  

    Following the DIGEPIH’s decision to use the HDB there are now 16 IP offices outside the EU, which use and accept terms from this database.

    The inclusion of the DIGEPIH in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 85.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.

    The integration of the DIGEPIH in TMclass is a concrete result of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and and

    14  July  2021
  • Trinidad and Tobago and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines join TMclass

    As of 12 July 2021, the Trinidad and Tobago Intellectual Property Office (TTIPO) and the Commerce and Intellectual Property Office of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (CIPO-VC) will be included in TMclass. The TTIPO will join with the alphabetical list of the Nice classification, while CIPO-VC will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.

    Following CIPO-VC’s decision to use the HDB there are now 15 IP offices outside the EU, which use and accept terms from this database.

    The inclusion of the TTIPO and CIPO-VC in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 84.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search for and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available as well as verifying the terms’ correct classification under the Nice classification.

    The incorporation in TMclass of the TTIPO with Nice and the adoption of the HDB by CIPO-VC are concrete results of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and and

    12  July  2021
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis will use HDB

    As of 05 July 2021, the Intellectual Property Office of Saint Kitts and Nevis (IPOSKN) will use and accept the list ofterms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.

    Following IPOSKN’s decision to use HDB there are now 14 IP offices outside the EU, which use and accept terms from this database.

    The last additions of IPOSKN in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 82.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available.

    The adoption of HDB by IPOSKN are concrete results of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and and


    05  July  2021


    TheHarmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    May 2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    08  June  2021
  • Egypt joins TMclass

    As of 17 May 2021, the Trademarks and Industrial Designs Office of Egypt (TIDO) joins TMclass with goods and services in Arabic.

    This last addition of TIDO brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 82.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 available languages available as well as to verify the terms correct classification according to Nice.

    The integration of TIDO in TMclass is a concrete result of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and and

    17  May  2021


    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    April 2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    12  May  2021


    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    March2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    08  April  2021

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    February2021 Monthly Cycle Results

    05  March  2021
  • HDB updated with Nice 11.2021 and Taxonomy version 2021

    01/01/2021 the 2021 version of Nice Classification edition 11 went into force, and the HDB was at that time updated accordingly to full compliance. Information regarding the changes for Nice can be obtained from WIPO.

    Additionally, the Taxonomy has been updated to 2021 version. Taxonomy is a dynamic and adaptable system for the categorisation of goods and services. Consequently, it is continuously revised and reviewed to reflect the latest market changes and developments. Integration of these market developments, as well as the latest version/edition of Nice Classification is through the yearly update every January.


    The changes to Taxonomy 2021 are fully integrated in HDB and implemented in TMclass.


    Details of the changes are specified in the following documents:

    17  February  2021

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted. January2021 monthly cycle statistics

    08  February  2021
  • Norway enhances its participation in TMclass

    As of 20 January 2021, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) has enhanced its participation in TMclass. From this day, NIPO will use and accept the terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass in Norwegian.

    Following NIPO’s decision to adopt HDB there are now 13 IP offices outside the EU, which use and accept terms from this database.

    81 IP offices participate in TMclass and it offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available.

    The adoption of HDB by NIPO is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by the EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at,

    20  January  2021
  • HARMONISED DATABASE UPDATE – November & December 2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the November & December cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    November - December monthly cycle statistics

    12  January  2021

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the October cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    October monthly cycle statistics



    09  November  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the September cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    September monthly cycle statistics



    05  October  2020
  • OAPI enhances its participation in TMclass and joins DesignClass

    As of 14 September 2020, the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) has enhanced its participation in TMclass and joined DesignClass. From this day, OAPI will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass as well as the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DesignClass.

    Following OAPI’s decision to use HDB and HDBPI there are now twelve (12) non-EU IP offices in TMclass and eleven (11) in DesignClass, which use and accept terms from these harmonised databases.

    The last addition of OAPI in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 81. As for DesignClass, there are now 38 IP offices in this tool after OAPI has joined.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available. In DesignClass you can search and translate product indications in 28 languages.

    The adoption of HDB and HDBPI by OAPI are concrete results of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and  


    16  September  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the August cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    August monthly cycle statistics

    02  September  2020
  • The Lao People's Democratic Republic joins TMclass

    As of 10 August 2020 the Department of Intellectual Property under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (DIP-LA) joins TMclass with goods and services in both Lao and English.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 82.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 available languages available.

    The integration of DIP-LA in TMclass is a concrete result of the ARISE Plus Intellectual Property Rights (ARISE+ IPR) programme funded by the European Union and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and


    10  August  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the July cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    July monthly cycle statistics

    07  August  2020
  • Uganda joins TMclass and DesignClass

    As of 03 August 2020, the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) is part of TMclass and DesignClass. From this day, URSB will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass as well as the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DesignClass.


    Following URSB’s decision to use HDB and HDBPI there are now eleven (11) non-EU IP offices in TMclass and ten (10) in DesignClass, which use and accept terms from these harmonised databases.


    The last addition of URSB in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 81. As for DesignClass, there are now 37 IP offices in this tool after URSB has joined.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available. In DesignClass you can search and translate product indications in 27 languages.


    The adoption of HDB and HDBPI by URSB are concrete results of the EU funded project called Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Action for Africa (AfrIPI), which is directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find out more at and and

    03  August  2020
  • The Dominican Republic and Saint Kitts and Nevis join TMclass

    As of 27 July 2020, the National Industrial Property Office of the Dominican Republic (ONAPI) and Intellectual Property Office of Saint Kitts and Nevis (IPOSKN) are part of TMclass.

    From this day, ONAPI will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass and IPOSKN will join the tool with a list of common terms between HDB and WIPO’s Madrid Goods and Services (MGS).

    Following ONAPI’s decision to use HDB there are now ten non-EU IP offices in TMclass, which use and accept terms from this harmonised database.

    The last addition of ONAPI and IPOSKN in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 80.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available.

    The adoption of HDB by ONAPI and the decision by IPOSKN to join TMclass with the common list of terms between HDB and MGS are concrete results of the CARIFORUM Intellectual Property and Innovation Project funded under the 11th European Development Fund and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and

    27  July  2020
  • HDB in TMclass extended to Georgia

    As of 13 July 2020,the National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia (Sakpatenti) has decided to use the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.

    Following Sakpatenti’s decision to adopt HDB, there are now nine non-EU IP offices in TMclass, which use and accept terms from HDB, and Georgian speaking users can now search and select almost 60.000 goods and services in their own language for their trade mark applications. 

    78 IP offices participate in TMclass and it offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available.

    The acceptance of HDB by Sakpatenti is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in collaboration with its international partners as well as the European Union Georgia Intellectual Property Project (EUGIPP) directed by the European Commission and executed by EUIPO, which provided support for Sakpatenti’s translation of HDB. The EUGIPP aims to provide adequate and effective protection and enforcement of IP rights in Georgia.

    You can find out more at and

    13  July  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    June monthly cycle statistics

    07  July  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    May monthly cycle statistics

    04  June  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    April monthly cycle statistics

    05  May  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    March monthly cycle statistics

    03  April  2020
  • Taxonomy updated to 2020 version

    The Taxonomy has been updated to 2020 version. Taxonomy is a dynamic and adaptable system for the categorisation of goods and services. Consequently, it is continuously revised and reviewed to reflect the latest market changes and developments. Integration of these market developments, as well as the latest version/edition of Nice Classification is through the yearly update every January.

    The changes to Taxonomy 2020 are fully integrated in HDB and implemented in TMclass.

    Details of the changes are specified in the following documents:

    02  April  2020
  • Panama joins TMclass and DesignClass

    As of 16 March2020, the General Directorate of the Industrial Property Registry of Panama (DIGERPI) is part of TMclass and DesignClass. From this day, DIGERPI will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass as well as the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DesignClass.

    Following DIGERPI’s decision to use HDB and HDBPI there are now eight non-EU IP offices in both TMclass and DesignClass that use and accept terms from these harmonised databases.

    The last addition of DIGERPI in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 77. As for DesignClass, there are now 33 IP offices in this tool after DIGERPI has joined.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available. In DesignClass you can search and translate product indications in 27 languages.

    The adoption of HDB and HDBPI by DIGERPI are concrete results of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and  

    16  March  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    February monthly cycle statistics

    05  March  2020
  • Impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU – EUTMs and RCDs: updated information

    In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement concluded between the EU and the UK (read the latest news here), the UK left the EU on 1 February 2020.

    The Withdrawal Agreement stipulates that during a transition period that will last until 31 December 2020, EU law remains applicable to and in the UK. This extends to the EUTM and RCD Regulations and their implementing instruments.

    This continued application of the EUTM Regulations and the RCD Regulations during the transition period includes, in particular, all substantive and procedural provisions as well as the rules concerning representation in proceedings before the EUIPO.

    In consequence, all proceedings before the Office that involve grounds of refusal pertaining to the territory of the UK, earlier rights originating from the UK, or parties/representatives domiciled in the UK will run as they did previously, until the end of the transition period.

    See also  the Brexit section on the EUIPO website.

    12  February  2020

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted. 

    January monthly cycle statistics

    10  February  2020

    The amendments to the Nice Classification agreed by the Nice Committee of Experts have been introduced in the Harmonised Database (HDB), the classification database shared among the EUIPO and the national and regional IP offices of the European Union. The Nice Committee of Experts at the World Intellectual Property Organisation decides on the transfer, insertion, change and deletion of terms of the Nice Classification of goods and services. The latest version of Nice (Nice 11.20) has entered into force on 1 January, 2020.

    These amendments have also been introduced into the Harmonised Database (HDB) thus making the HDB fully compliant with the latest edition of the Nice Classification.


    21  January  2020
  • HARMONISED DATABASE UPDATE – November/December 2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the November-December cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    08  January  2020
  • Chile joins TMclass

    As of 25 November 2019 the National Instituteof Industrial Property Office of Chile (INAPI) joins TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 77.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 available languages available.

    The integration of INAPI in TMclass tools is a concrete result of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and

    25  November  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the October cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    October monthly cycle statistics

    05  November  2019
  • Argentina joins TMclass and Peru joins DesignClass

    As of 04 November 2019, the National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI) is part of TMclass. INPI will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass.

    Also on 04 November 2019, the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru (INDECOPI) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) DesignClass.

    Following INPI’s decision to use HDB there are now seven non-EU IP offices that use and accept terms from HDB. Likewise, as a result of INDECOPI’s decision to use HDBPI, there are seven IP offices from outside the European Union (EU), which use and accept terms from HDBPI.

    The last addition of INPI in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, to 76. With INDECOPI on board DesignClass, there are now 32 IP offices in this tool.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available. In DesignClass you can search and translate product indications in 27 languages.

    The adoption of HDB by INPI as well as INDECOPI’s acceptance of HDBPI are concrete results of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and

    04  November  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the September cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    September monthly cycle statistics

    01  October  2019
  • IPONZ joins TMclass

    As of 9 September the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 75.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available.

    The integration of IPONZ is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at and


    09  September  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the August cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    August monthly cycle statistics

    02  September  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the July cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    July cycle statistics

    05  August  2019
  • Monaco to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass

    As of 15 July 2019 the Industrial Property Office of the Business Development Agency of the Principality of Monaco (MCIPO) will use the list of goods and services from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass in French.

    Following MCIPO’s decision to use HDB there are now six non-EU IP offices that use and accept terms from this database.

    The adoption of HDB by MCIPO is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by the EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find outmore at,


    15  July  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    June monthly cycle statistics


    10  July  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    May monthly cycle statistics

    05  June  2019
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass

    As of 6 May 2019 the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IIP-BIH) will use the list of goods and services from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass in Bosnian language.

    This is the first version of the HDB in a non-EU language.

    Following IIP-BIH’s decision to use HDB there are now five non-EU IP offices that use and accept terms from this database.

    The adoption of HDB by IIP-BIH is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by the EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at,

    06  May  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    April monthly cycle statistics

    02  May  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    March monthly cycle statistics

    02  April  2019
  • Fifty percent of EUTM applications exclusively use HDB terms

    More than 50% of all online EU trade mark applications submitted at the EUIPO now use pre-accepted terminology from the Harmonised Database in their lists of goods and services.

    More information

    07  March  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    February monthly cycle statistics

    04  March  2019
  • Taxonomy updated to 2019 version

    In January, the Taxonomy was updated to 2019 version. Taxonomy is a dynamic and adaptable system for the categorisation of goods and services. Consequently, it is continuously revised and reviewed to reflect the latest market changes and developments. Integration of these market developments, as well as the latest version/edition of Nice Classification is through the yearly update every January.


    The changes to Taxonomy 2019 are fully integrated in HDB and implemented in TMclass.


    Details of the changes are specified in the following documents:

    21  February  2019

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    January cycle statistics

    12  February  2019
  • HARMONISED DATABASE UPDATE – November / December 2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the November / December cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    November/ December cycle statistics

    09  January  2019

    The amendments to the Nice Classification external link agreed by the Nice Committee of Experts have been introduced in the Harmonised Database (HDB), the classification database shared among the EUIPO and the national and regional IP offices of the European Union. The Nice Committee of Experts at the World Intellectual Property Organisation decides on the transfer, insertion, change and deletion of terms of the Nice Classification of goods and services. The latest version of Nice (Nice 11.19) has entered into force on 1 January, 2019.

    These amendments have also been introduced into the Harmonised Database (HDB) thus making the HDB fully compliant with the latest edition of the Nice Classification.

    The Taxonomy, the market-based hierarchical categorisation of classification terms, will also be amended so that the structures and Group Titles comply with Nice 11.19.

    03  January  2019
  • IP Australia joins TMclass

    As of 19 December 2018 IP Australia joins TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 73.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 languages available.

    The integration of IP Australia is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at www.tmdn.organd

    19  December  2018
  • Mexico to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass

    As of 12 November 2018 the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) will use the list of goods and services from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass and IMPI’s online tool ClasNiza.

    Following IMPI’s decision to use HDB there are now four non-EU IP offices that use and accept terms from this database.

    With the extension of the reach of HDB to IMPI through TMclass, this tool now offers users the opportunity to search and translate harmonised concepts among 31 IP offices.

    The adoption of HDB by IMPI is a concrete result of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find outmore at,, and


    12  November  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the October cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    October monthly cycle statistics

    02  November  2018
  • DesignEuropa Awards finalists and Lifetime Achievement Award Winner announced

    TheDesignEuropa Awards are organised by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and celebrate excellence in design and design management among Registered Community Design (RCD) holders.

    The DesignEuropa Awards have three categories: Industry; Small and Emerging Companies and Lifetime Achievement. The finalists and the winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award were chosen by the DesignEuropa Awards jury; a prestigious panel drawn from the fields of business, design and intellectual property.

    The winners of the Industry and Small and Emerging Companies categories will be announced on 27 November, at the DesignEuropa Awards ceremony in Warsaw. On that date, the Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to one of the most influential industrial designers of the late 20th and early 21stcenturies, Hartmut Esslinger.

    See all the finalist designs here.

    09  October  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the September cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    September monthly cyclestatistics

    02  October  2018
  • Ecuador´s National Service of Intellectual Rights (SENADI) joins TMclass

    As of 25 September 2018 Ecuador´s National Service of Intellectual Rights (SENADI) joins TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 72.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 available languages available.

    The integration of SENADI in TMclass tools isa concrete result of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


    You can find outmore at

    25  September  2018

    The Harmonised Databaseis constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    August monthly cycle statistics

    03  September  2018
  • The Cuban Office of Industrial Property (OCPI) joins TMclass

    As of 08 August 2018the Cuban Office of Industrial Property (OCPI) joins TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 71.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 available languages available.

    The integration of OCPI in TMclass tools is a concrete result of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at


    08  August  2018

    The Harmonised Databaseis constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the July cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    July monthly cycle statistics

    06  August  2018
  • Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador and Uruguay join Flagship tools

    As of 30 July 2018 the National Directorate of Industrial Property under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay (DNPI) has made its trade mark and design data available to the TMview and DesignView search tools.

    Also on 30 July 2018 the General Directorate of Intellectual Property of Honduras (DIGEPIH) has made its design data available to DesignView.

    Equally on 30 July 2018 DNPI and the National Registry Centre of El Salvador (CNR) join TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification.

    Additionally on 30 July 2018 the National Registry of the Republic of Costa Rica (RNPCR) has decided to use the list of goods and services from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass.

    With DNPI on board TMview now contains data from 67 participating offices and with DNPI and DIGEPIH joining DesignView this tool now offers data from 67 offices.

    The last addition of DNPI, CNR and RNPCR in TMclass brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices in the tool to 70.

    Likewise with RNPCR decision to use HDB there are now 3 non-EU IP offices that use and accept terms from this database.

    With the addition of more than 325.000 trade marks from DNPI, TMview provides information and access to more than 51,1 million trade marks in total. Designview contains more than 13,9 million designs, including more than 1200 designs from DNPI and more than 400 from DIGEPIH.

    Since the introduction of TMview on 13 April 2010, the tool has served more than 44,9 million searches from 166 different countries, with Spain, China and Germany among the most frequent users. As to DesignView it went live on 19 November 2012 and has since then served more than 3,9 million searches from 163 different countries, with users from the UK, Germany and China among the most frequent users.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 available languages available.

    Similarly with the extension of the reach of HDB toRNPCR through TMclass, this tool now offers users the possibility to search and translate more than 58.000 harmonised concepts among 30 IP offices.

    The implementations of DNPI, DIGEPIH, CNR and RNPCR in the flagship tools are concrete results of the IP Key Latin America programme directed by the European Commission and executed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

    You can find out more at and


    30  July  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    June monthly cycle statistics

    04  July  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    May monthly cycle statistics

    01  June  2018
  • Moldova and Peru have decided to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass

    As of 07 May2018 the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) and the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru (INDECOPI) have decided to use the list of goods andservices from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass.


    As a result,these are the two first non-EU IP offices that will use terms from HDB, one of the expected outcomes of thestrategic project “Extension of tools” within EUIPO’s international cooperation projects. This project aims at extending the reach of the EUIPN’s tools beyond the EU for the benefit of global users.

    With theextension of the reach of HDB to AGEPI and INDECOPI through TMclass, this tool now offers users the opportunity to search and translate more than 58.000 harmonised concepts among29 IP offices.


    You can find outmore at and

    07  May  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    April monthly cycle statistics

    02  May  2018
  • The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) joins TMclass

    As of 09 April 2018 the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) joins TMclass.


    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 67.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 44 available languages available.


    The integration of ARIPO is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.


    You can find out more at and


    09  April  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    March monthly cycle statistics

    04  April  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    February monthlycycle statistics  

    05  March  2018

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    January monthly cycle statistics

    14  February  2018
  • HARMONISED DATABASE UPDATE – November / December 2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the November / December cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    November / December monthly cycle statistics  

    09  January  2018

    The Taxonomy as a dynamic structure is reviewed, revised and updated continuously. Changes to the market place must, in as far it is possible, be reflected in the Taxonomy. Furthermore, as the Taxonomy is based on Nice Classification, any impacting change to the Nice Classification must also be mirrored in the structures.

    The changes to the Group Titles for 2018 have been implemented and introduced in the Harmonised Database in all EU languages with the collaboration of all IP Offices.

    For more information, please read the Taxonomy 2018 document and the Harmonised Database 2018 - Class Scopes.

    08  January  2018

    The amendments to the Nice Classification agreed by the NiceCommittee of Experts have been introduced in the Harmonised Database (HDB), the classification database shared among the EUIPO and the national and regional IP offices of the European Union. The NiceCommittee of Experts at the World Intellectual Property Organisation decides on the transfer, insertion, change and deletion of terms of the Nice Classification of goods and services. The latest version of Nice (Nice 11.18) has entered into force on 1 January, 2018.

    These amendments have alsobeen introduced into the Harmonised Database (HDB) thus making the HDB fully compliant with the latest edition of the Nice Classification.

    The Taxonomy, the market-basedhierarchical categorisation of classification terms, will also be amended so that the structures and Group Titles comply with Nice 11.18.


    08  January  2018
  • You can be part of it, suggest new HDB terms through the User Area

    Do not miss the opportunity to suggest your terms to the HDB through the Goods and Services Administrator in the User Area. Classification experts from the EUIPN OC will review your proposals and will keep you updated on their phase in the voting process (under review, not valid, proposed, approved or rejected). Remember…this is a democratic exercise where all EU IP offices vote upon as to whether the terms can be included or not in the HDB.


    12  December  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the October cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    October monthly cycle statistics


    06  November  2017
  • The State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) joins TMclass

    As of 23 October 2017, the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 66.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 43 available languages available.

    The integration of AGEPI is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find outmore at and


    23  October  2017
  • The Jordanian Industrial Property Protection Directorate under The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply (IPPD) joins TMclass

    As of 10 October 2017, the Jordanian Industrial Property Protection Directorate under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply (IPPD) joins TMclass. 

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 65.


    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 43 available languages, with Arabic as the latest incorporation.

    The integration of IPPD is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at and

    10  October  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the September cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    September monthly cycle statistics


    03  October  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the August cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    August monthly cycle statistics

    04  September  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the July cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    July monthly cycle statistics

    02  August  2017
  • The Patents and Trademarks Office of the Republic of San Marino (USBM) joins TMclass

    As of 31 July 2017, Patents and Trademarks Office of the Republic of San Marino (USBM) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 64.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 42 available languages, with Hebrew as the latest incorporation.

    The integration of USBM is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at and

    31  July  2017
  • The Israel Patent Office (ILPO) joins TMclass

    As of 17 July 2017, The Israel Patent Office (ILPO) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 63.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate goods and services to and from any of the 42 available languages, with Hebrew as the latest incorporation.

    The integration of ILPO is a concrete result of the EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find out more at and

    17  July  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keepspace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    June monthly cycle statistics

    06  July  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    May monthly cycle statistics

    05  June  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    April monthly cycle statistics

    04  May  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    March monthly cycle statistics

    05  April  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please find the results of the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    February monthly cycle statistics

    07  March  2017
  • Publication of Taxonomy and HDB 2017 revision

    The EIPN OC is pleased to announce the publication (see links below) of the amendments implemented and introduced in the Harmonised Database reflecting the 2017 version of the Taxonomy, also in respect of Class Scopes and acceptability of Group Titles as HDB terms.

    TAXONOMY 2017

    HDB 2017

    We hope you will find them a useful resource of information.

    09  February  2017

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    January monthly cycle statistics

    02  February  2017
  • HARMONISED DATABASE UPDATE –November / December 2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the November / December cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    November / December monthly cycle statistics 



    10  January  2017

    The amendments to the Nice Classification agreed by the Nice Committee of experts have been introduced in the Harmonised Database (HDB), the classification database shared among the EUIPO and the national and regional IP offices of the European Union.

    The Nice Committee of Experts at the World Intellectual Property Organisation decides on the transfer, insertion, change and deletion of terms of the Nice Classification of goods and services. The latest edition of Nice (Nice 11) has entered into force on 1 January, 2017.

    These amendments have also been introduced into the Harmonised Database (HDB) thus making the HDB fully compliant with the latest edition of the Nice Classification.

    The Taxonomy, the market-based hierarchical categorisation of classification terms, will also be amended so that the structures and Group Titles comply with Nice 11.

    05  January  2017

    The Taxonomy as a dynamic structure is reviewed, revised and updated continuously. Changes to the market place must, in as far it is possible, be reflected in the Taxonomy. Furthermore, as the Taxonomy is based on Nice Classification, any impacting change to the Nice Classification must also be mirrored in the structures.

    The changes to the Group Titles for 2017 have been implemented and introduced in the Harmonised Database in all EU languages with the collaboration of all IP Offices.

    05  January  2017
  • Malaysia joins TMclass

    As of 05 December 2016, The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 62.

    MyIPO was already part of ASEAN TMclass that was developed by the Intellectual Property Offices of the ASEAN Member States with the support of the EU-ASEAN Project on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (ECAP III Phase II), for which EUIPO is the implementing agency.

    MyIPO’s decision to join TMclass is a result of EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 42 available languages.

    You can find outmore at and

    05  December  2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the October cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    October monthly cycle statistics  

    04  November  2016
  • Philippines joins TMclass

    As of 24 October 2016, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 62.

    IPOPHL was already part of ASEAN TMclass that was developed by the Intellectual Property Offices of the ASEAN Member States with the support of the EU-ASEAN Project on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (ECAP III Phase II), for which EUIPO is the implementing agency. 

    IPOPHL’s decision to join TMclass is a result of EUIPO’s International Cooperation framework in collaboration with its international partners.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 42 available languages.

    You can find out more at and

    24  October  2016

    The HarmonisedDatabase is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the September cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    September monthly cycle statistics    

    06  October  2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the August cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    August monthly cycle statistics 

    05  September  2016
  • HDB publications issue solved

    The technical problems experienced yesterday with the publication of the new version of the HDB have been solved.

    02  September  2016
  • Delay of HDB publications

    Due to technical reasons the publication of a new version ofthe HDB, with new concepts and updated translations, have been delayed. We expect that the publication should be performed within 24 hours. The HDB is constantly updated with new concepts and terms that can be used in trade mark applications, pre-approved by all EU trade mark offices and translated into all EU languages.

    01  September  2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the July cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    July monthly cycle statistics    

    01  August  2016
  • INDECOPI adds domestic terms

    As of 25 July 2016,the Peruvian National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) adds almost 200 supplement terms used and accepted domestically.


    This addition increasesINDECOPI’s list of accepted goods and services in TMclass to more than 10.000 different terms.


    This incorporationis the result of the continued collaboration between INDECOPI and EUIPO within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme managed by EUIPO together with its international partners.

    25  July  2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    June monthly cycle statistics 

    04  July  2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate.  Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below.  In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    May monthly cycle statistics




    03  June  2016
  • The Albanian General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks (GDPT) and the Georgian National Intellectual Property Center (SAKPATENTI) join TMclass

    As of 30 May 2016,the Albanian General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks (GDPT) and the Georgian National Intellectual Property Center (SAKPATENTI) join TMclass.

    These last additions bring the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 62.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 42 available languages.

    These successful integrations are the result of the joint effort and cooperation within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme managed by EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find outmore at and

    30  May  2016
  • HDB Equivalents of the Nice Class Headings

    The EUIPO has created new equivalent wording ofthe Nice class headings, composed exclusively of HDB terminology. The HDB guarantees acceptance in all EU IP offices and allows access to Fast Track. The new terminology can be selected from all IP tools powered by the HDB (TMclass, trade mark e-filing, Similarity and the EDB — Enforcement database).

    The list of class headings with their HDB equivalents can be seen


    05  May  2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    April monthly cycle statistics


    04  May  2016
  • The Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) joins TMclass

    As of 25 April 2016, the Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 60.

    TMclass offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 40 available languages.

    This successful integration is the result of the joint effort and cooperation within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme managed by EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners.

    You can find outmore at and

    25  April  2016
  • The Peruvian National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) joins TMclass

    As of 18 April 2016, the Peruvian National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, in the tool to 59.

    TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 40 available languages.

    This successful integration is the result of the joint effort and cooperation within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme managed by EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners. 

    You can find outmore at and


    18  April  2016

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.

    March monthly cycle statistics

    04  April  2016
  • The Brunei Darussalam Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) and the Department of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia (D/IPR) join TMclass

    As of 21 March 2016, Brunei Darussalam Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) and the Department of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia (D/IPR) join TMclass.

    BruIPO and D/IPR were already part of ASEAN TMclass that was developed by the Intellectual Property Offices of the ASEAN Member States with the support of the EU-ASEAN Project on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (ECAP III Phase II), for which OHIM is the implementing agency.

    BruIPO’s and D/IPR’s decision to join TMclass is a result of the International Cooperation programme managed by OHIM in collaboration with its international partners.

    TMclass that brings together the classification databases of each Participating Office to facilitate the process of classifying Goods & Services also offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 40 available languages.

    You canfind out more about TMclass at and

    21  March  2016

    The Harmonised Database isconstantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    03  March  2016
  • HDB — One year in the heart of the EU

    February 2016 marks the first anniversary of acceptance of all the HDB goods & services in every IP office in the European Union. Using the HDB guarantees EU-wide acceptance, predictability and consistency, and eliminates classification objections EU-wide. It’s a more secure option: in the last year, four out of five expressions of goods and services in OHIM’s applications and more than 1/3 of all CTMs were automatically classified. Become part of the world’s largest database of its kind — with nearly 1.5 million terms in 23 languages — and enjoy its many benefits! More information


    15  February  2016

    The Harmonised Database isconstantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    03  February  2016
  • The Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI-BR) joins TMclass

    As of 19 January 2016, the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI-BR) joins TMclass.

    This last addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and OHIM, in the tool to 58.

    TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 40 available languages.

    This successful integration is the result of the joint effort and cooperation within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme managed by OHIM in collaboration with its international partners.

    19  January  2016

    The Nice committee of experts at WIPO conclude on the insertion, change and deletion of terms with regards to the Nice classification content. Every year a new version of the Nice list is published. The changes to the Nice Classification and the Nice Class Headings agreed along 2015 were introduced in the Harmonised Database in January 2016 in all EU languages with the collaboration of all IP offices. The new version of Nice Class Headings is available now for you in TMclass in the Classification Resources section of the webpage.

    14  January  2016

    The Taxonomy as a dynamicstructure is reviewed, revised and updated continuously. Changes to the market place must, in as far it is possible, be reflected in the Taxonomy. Furthermore, as the Taxonomy is based on Nice Classification, any impacting change to the Nice classification must also be mirrored in the structures. The changes to both the Group Titles and Class Scopes for 2016 were implemented and introduced in the Harmonised Database in January 2016 in all EU languages with the collaboration of all IP Offices.


    14  January  2016

    The Harmonised Database isconstantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the December cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.



    08  January  2016
  • India joins TMclass

    As of 07 December 2015, The Indian Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM) joins TMclass.

    With CGPDTM on-board, TMclass now contains data from 57 participating offices.

    TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 40 languages available.

    This successful integration is the result of the EU-INDIA Intellectual Property Cooperation (IPC-EUI) project co-fundedby the European Union and the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme and in close collaboration with CGPDTM.

    You can find out more at and

    07  December  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users. This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the November cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    02  December  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users.  This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate.  Please, find the results of the October cycle in the link below.  In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    03  November  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so itkeeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users.  This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate.  Please, find the results of the September cycle in the link below.  In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    02  October  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users.  This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate.  Please, find the results of the August cycle in the link below.  In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    02  September  2015
  • ASEAN TMclass

    ASEAN TMclass has been officially launched on 25 August 2015 in Singapore, on the occasion of the celebration of this year´s IPOS IP week.

    The launch ceremony has taken place at the ASEAN IP Fiesta with the presence of Dr Michael Pulch, Ambassador of the European Union to Singapore, Ms Shahrinah Yusof Khan, Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of Brunei Darussalam and current Chairperson of the ASEAN Working Group for Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC), and Mr Ernesto Rubio, representing OHIM.

    ASEAN TMclass, the ASEAN classification tool for the registration of marks, contains over 13,800 standard terms of goods and services accepted by the participating ASEAN IP Offices, which are organised according to a taxonomy structure.

    ASEAN TMclass have been developed within the framework of ECAP III Phase II, the EU-ASEAN Project on Intellectual Property Cooperation, for which OHIM is the implementing Agency. Synergies were sought with TMclass. 

    We invite you to visit ASEAN TMclass at 

    25  August  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it keeps pace with the marketplace and the needs of the users.  This update is done on a monthly basis, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate.  Please, find the results of the July cycle in the link below.  In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    04  August  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users.  This is done each month, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate.  Please,find the results of the June cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    03  July  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users. This is done each month, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the May cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    03  June  2015
  • The Tunisian Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriété Industrielle (INNORPI) Joins TMclass

    We are very proud to announce the integration of The Tunisian Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriété Industrielle (INNORPI) into TMclass. These latest additions bring a total of 45 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM, WIPO, and OAPI into the classification of goods and services tool.

    TMclass now allows users to search for terms in any ofthe 34 available languages. This successful integration is the result of joint effort and collaborative work within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme managed by OHIM in collaboration with its international partners.  

    15  May  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users. This is done each month, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the April cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted. 




    05  May  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantlyupdated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users. This is done each month, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the March cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.




    07  April  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users.  This is done each month, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of  the February cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.



    04  March  2015
  • Removals of asterisks from Harmonised Database terms

    The asterisks has been an important part of the Nice Classification, indicating where a particular good may also belong to another class. This was very helpful when the Nice Classification was used in list, paper format. Within a digital environment and with the expanded size of the Harmonised database and the advanced search and browse options of TMclass the asterisks have become obsolete.

    It is not feasible to maintain a cross-reference system like the asterisks on a dataset with the size of the Harmonised Database. Additionally, the asterisks only functioned on the Nice terms, they were used in a non-consistent way and were often misinterpreted by new users. Therefore the Harmonised offices has decided to discontinue the use of the asterisks in the Harmonised Database terms.

    By searching the user will still find all relevant terms that contains the searched word, and variations thereof. Furthermore, through the use of the Similarity tool the user is empowered to explore the real similarity cases of the participating offices.  

    02  March  2015

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves withthe market and the needs of the users. This is done each month, after a voting process in which the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices participate. Please, find the results of the January cycle in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.



    18  February  2015
  • France now part of the Harmonised Database

    As of today, 2 February, the French National Institute for Intellectual Property (INPI) has joined the Common Harmonised Database of Goods ans Services for trade mark classification.

    With the harmonisation of INPI the Harmonised Database of Goods and Services now represents all EU IP offices. This tremendous achievement is the result of close collaboration within the framework of the European Trade Mark and Design Network.

    The Harmonised Database, with its newest participating office, INPI, is available to the users through TMclass application.

    With more than 60,000 terms shared by the participating offices, the Harmonised Database is already the biggest database for trade mark classification. Goods and Services in this database are accepted by all EU Offices and translated into all EU IP office working languages.

    02  February  2015

    The Nice committee of experts conclude on the insertion, change and deletion of terms with regards to the Nice classification content.  Every year a new version of the Nice list is published.  The changes to the Nice Classification agreed along 2014 were introduced in our Harmonised Database in January 2015 in all EU languages with the collaboration of all National Offices and BOIP.

    22  January  2015
  • Integration of OAPI (Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle / The African Intellectual Property Organization)

    TMclass welcomes the integration of OAPI ( Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle / The African Intellectual Property Organization).L´OAPI represents 17 African Member States.

    15  January  2015
  • Harmonised Database Update postponed

    The monthly update of the Harmonised Database for December 1sthas been postponed for one month. This is due to database maintenance efforts due to the upcoming new versions of Nice and Taxonomy.

    The next publication of the Harmonised Database will be onJanuary 1st 2015, and then include Nice version 10.2015 and Taxonomy2015. 

    01  December  2014

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolveswith the market and the needs of the users.  This is done each month, after a voting process which the classification experts from all 24 Harmonised Officesparticipate.  Please  find the results of  the September and October cycles  in the link below. In the overview you cansee which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.




    17  November  2014
  • The IP Offices of Iceland and Montenegro join TMclass

    As of 20 October 2014, the Icelandic Patent Office (ELS) and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have joined TMclass.

    These latest additions bring a total of 41 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM and WIPO, into the tool.

    TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and translate terms to and from any of the 31 available languages, including Icelandic and Montenegrin.

    This successful integration is the result of the joint effort and cooperation within the framework of the International Cooperation Programme managed by OHIM in collaboration with its international partners.

    20  October  2014

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users.  This is done each month, after a voting  process which the classification experts from all 24 Harmonised Offices participate.  Please  find the results of  the  August  cycle  in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    16  September  2014
  • The Finnish Patent and Registration Office is now part of the Harmonised Database

    As of 8th September, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH)  is a part of the Common Harmonised Database of Goods and Services for trade mark classification.
    As a result, the Finnish translations of the Harmonised Database set is now available to all users through the TMclass application. Starting from 8th September also the Swedish translations in Harmonised Database are accepted by PRH. This successful harmonisation is the result of joint effort and collaborative work within the framework of the European Trade Mark and Design Network.
    The PRH´s integration into the Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services marks another step forward in improving predictability, which in turn benefits users.

    08  September  2014
  • Integration of CIPO – OPIC (Canadian Intellectual Property Office / Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada) and NIPO (Patentstyret, Norwegian Industrial Property Office)

      We are pleased to announce the integrations of  CIPO – OPIC (Canadian Intellectual Property Office / Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada)  and  NIPO (Patentstyret, Norwegian Industrial Property Office ) into TMclass.

    These latest additions bring a total of 39 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM and WIPO, into the classification of goods and services tool.

    TMclass now allows users to search for terms in any of the 29 available languages, including Norwegian.

    The integration of CIPO – OPIC and NIPO is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by OHIM in collaboration with its international partners.

    25  August  2014

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users.  This is done each month, after a voting  process which the classification experts from all 24 Harmonised Offices participate.  Please  find the results of  the  July  cycle  in the link below. In the overview you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.


    04  August  2014
  • TMclass now offers an Arabic graphical user interface (GUI)

    As and from today, 21st July, the graphical user interface (GUI) of TMclass,  is available in Arabic.

    Users can avail of the Arabic interface when searching for terms in any of the other 27 available languages.

    The Arabic GUI is a concrete result of OHIM's International Cooperation programme, and has been developed thanks to strong collaboration with the Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office (OMPIC).

    21  July  2014

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users.  This is done each month, after a voting  process which the classification experts from all 24 Harmonised Offices participate. Each Harmonised Office has one vote, the simple majority wins.We have had five monthly cycles so far, the last one in June 2014.  You can find the results of each of these monthly cycles in the links below .In these overviews you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.






    07  July  2014
  • European TMDN News out now

    The third issue of the newsletter is now available at  Readers will find, among other news, the recent developments of the Harmonised Database, an interview with BOIP and the launch of the Anti-Fraud Network – a common initiative to tackle the problem of misleading invoices.

    07  July  2014
  • Harmonised Database monthly update May 2014

    As per previous months, the Harmonised Database has been updated by the classification experts from all Harmonised Offices which participate in the voting process. In this overview you will be able to see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted in May 2014.


    20  June  2014

    The Harmonised Database is constantly updated so it evolves with the market and the needs of the users.  This is done each month, after a voting  process which the classification experts from all 24 Harmonised Offices participate. Each Harmonised Office has one vote, the simple majority wins.  We have had three monthly cycles so far, in February, March and April 2014. 
    You can find the results of each of these monthly cycles in the links below .In these overviews you can see which terms have been added and which ones have been deleted.




    08  May  2014
  • The Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM) is now part of the Harmonised Database

    As of today  the Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM) is a part of the Common Harmonised Database of Goods and Services for trade mark classification.
    As a result, the Romanian translations of the Harmonised Database set is now available to all users through the TMclass application.  
    This successful harmonisation is the result of joint effort and collaborative work within the framework of the European Trade Mark and Design Network.
    The OSIM´s integration into the Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services marks another step forward in improving predictability, which in turn benefits users.

    28  April  2014
  • ETMDN News out now

    Number two issue of European TMDN News is out now and available for download at In this issue we look at the global expansion of the TMview trade mark search tool, the Enforcement Database and the implementation of e-Services in the Estonian Patent Office. Readers will also meet the central team behind the coordination of convergence efforts at the EU level, and the latest news from the EU National and Regional IP Offices.  

    European TMDN News is focused on the intellectual property community, and looks at the European Trade Mark and Design Network's drive to share best practices and harmonise working methods.

    The magazine, published in English, will also be available in 23 EU languages in the coming weeks.

    17  April  2014
  • Harmonisation of The Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO)

    The Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) has joined the Harmonised Database of Goods and Services.

    With more than 60,000 terms shared by the participating offices, the Harmonised Database is already the biggest database for trade mark classification.

    DKPTO is the 24th office to integrate. As a result, the Danish translations of the Database are now available to all users through TMclass.

    01  April  2014
  • Integration of The State Administration For Industry & Commerce of the People's Republic of China ( SAIC) into TMclass

    We are very proud to announce the integration The State Administration For Industry & Commerce of the People's Republic of China ( SAIC) into TMclass. This latest addition brings a total of 36 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM, into the Classification of Goods and Services tool. TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search terms in Chinese, in addition to, any of the other 27 available languages.

    17  March  2014
  • The Austrian Patent Office ( OPA) is now part of the Harmonised Database

    As of today The Austrian Patent Office and Trade Mark Office (OPA) is a part of the Common Harmonised Database of Goods and Services for trade mark classification.

     As a result, the German translations of Harmonised Database set is now available to all users through the TMclass application. This successful harmonisation is the result of joint effort and collaborative work within the framework of the European Trade Mark and Design Network.

    The OPA is the 23 Participating Office to be  integration into the Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services, marking another step forward in improving predictability, which in turn benefits users.

    17  March  2014
  • Updated Harmonised Classification Database

    The Harmonised Database, used and maintained by the cooperation of 22 European Trade Mark Offices, was updated to the latest version on Saturday  1st  March. This was achieved in accordance to the Harmonised workflow. This first update is a milestone in the European cooperation and convergence on trade mark classification, and marks the start for the continuous monthly update cycle.

    The Harmonised workflow ensures that the Harmonised Classification Database is current and up to date as the needs of users and Participating Offices are reflected through proposals and voting on any changes. This first monthly update saw four new concepts entered into the database  and  12 outdated concepts were removed.

    03  March  2014
  • ETMDN News available in 23 languages


    The latest edition of ETMDN News – the newsletter of the European Trade Mark and Design Network – is now available in 23 EU languages at the Common Gateway ( It contains features and interviews on the Back Office project, the Terminology Maintenance Console, the Quality tool and a roundup of all the latest news from the EU National IP Offices. We hope you enjoy this issue.
    We want to know what our readers think about the magazine, and receive their suggestions on how we could improve it. So would be very grateful if you could spare a couple of minutes to fill out our survey (, and give us your feedback.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    30  January  2014
  • Integration of The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) into TMclass

    We are very pleased to announce the integration of The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) into TMclass. This latest addition brings a total of 35 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM, into the classification of goods and services tool. The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property is the first National IP Office to be integrated from Latin America.

    11  December  2013
  • Members of the Harmonised Database increase to 22

    The HarmonisationProject for Goods and Services has today reached a major milestone. As of 25th November, the IP offices of Benelux, Cyprus, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania, have integrated in the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services.

    Thanks to the commonefforts made in the framework of the Convergence Programme, the complete set of Benelux, Latvian, Lithuanian, Greek and Hungarian translations of the Common Harmonised Database are now available to all users through the TMclass application.

    The HarmonisationProject has been progressing continually since its creation. With the five new members of the “Harmonisation Community”, already 22 EU IP offices form part of the Common Harmonised Database, bringing further benefits for users across Europe by improving predictability.

    25  November  2013
  • Integration of The Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office (OMPIC) into TMclass

    Integration of The Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office (OMPIC) into TMclass

    We are very proud to announce the integration of The Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office (OMPIC) into TMclass. This latest addition brings a total of 34 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM, into the Classification of Goods and Services tool. TMclass continues to allow users to search for terms in any of the 27 available languages.

    The Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office (OMPIC) is the first North African country to integrate into both TMclass and TMview.

    25  November  2013
  • German Patent and Trade Mark Office now part of the Harmonised Database

    We are proud to announce that the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) is part of the Common Harmonised Database of Goods and Services for trade mark classification. As a result, the German translations of Harmonised Database set is now available to all users. At the same time the DPMA will also offer the German translations of Harmonised Database to their efiling users. This successful harmonisation is the result of joint effort and collaborative work within the framework of the European Trade Mark and Design Network. The DPMA´s integration into the Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services marks another step forward in improving predictability, which in turn benefits users. The Harmonised Database, with its new member, the DPMA, is also available through TMclass at:

    12  November  2013
  • Integration of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property Office (ROSPATENT ) into TMclass

    Integration of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property Office (ROSPATENT ) into TMclass. We are very proud to announce the integration of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT ): Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности into TMclass. This latest addition brings a total of 33 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM, into the classification of goods and services tool. TMclass now allows users to search for terms in any of the 27 available languages. This integration has taken place in the framework of the EU-Funded P4M-IP Project between OHIM and Rospatent.

    14  October  2013
  • Integration of WIPO´s Madrid Goods and Services Manager (MGS) data into TMclass

    OHIM and WIPO today announce the integration of WIPO´s Madrid Goods and Services Manager (MGS) data into TMclass, OHIM´s free online goods and services classification tool. The integration is a result of cooperative work between the two offices, in order to promote their common objectives and policy on trademark information dissemination. It will help to enhance the quality, value and flow of such information among WIPO and OHIM´s respective member states, stakeholders and users. Today´s integration will facilitate transparent and comprehensive information useful to trade mark applicants and owners at global level. TMclass is available in 27 languages, including Japanese, Korean, Turkish and Russian, and is available through . MGS is WIPO’s free online goods and services classification and translation tool, and is available in 15 languages at

    14  October  2013
  • Harmonisation of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office

    Harmonisation of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office The Slovenian Intellectual Property Office is now part of the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services, as a result the complete Slovenian translations of the Common Harmonised Database is now available to all the users through the TMclass application. This is the latest expansion in the Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services, which has been progressing positively and continuously since it was set up. The integration of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office into the "Harmonisation community" is another step forward for this common project; as it grows, it creates further benefits for European users by improving predictability.

    11  September  2013
  • Integration of the Turkish Patent Institute (TPI): Türk Patent Enstitüsü into TMclass.

    We are very proud to announce the integration of the Turkish Patent Institute (TPI): Türk Patent Enstitüsü into TMclass. This latest addition brings a total of 31 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM, into the classification of goods and services tool. TMclass now allows users to search for terms in any of the 26 languages available.

    12  August  2013
  • Live Chat in TMclass has ended

    During the month of July 2013, questions were answered on TMclass through the Live Chat. The objective was to help users get used to the introduction of Taxonomy (see on the left after a search) which took place July 1. Many chats were carried out with users from all over the world, mainly Europe. Now that the introductory phase has passed, the Live Chat has been removed. Please take 5 minutes to view the tutorial (top right of home page). Most doubts will be resolved there. Questions can still be directed to the OHIM information centre: Tel:+34 96 513 9100

    01  August  2013
  • Taxonomy Webinar: July 24, 11am CET

    A live webinar organised by OHIM’s Academy on the Taxonomy tool took place on Wednesday 24 July at 11:00am CET at The recorded version and the Questions & Answers from the Webinar are now available at the same URL and at where you can find more information on Taxonomy. The webinar was presented by OHIM classification expert Thom Clark. Taxonomy is a new, hierarchical structure that allows for easier and faster classification of goods and services through the Nice Classification framework. It´s been developed by the EU national and regional IP offices and OHIM, in collaboration with WIPO. Taxonomy is available through TMclass at

    22  July  2013
  • Taxonomy Tutorial (see top right)

    TheTaxonomy structure has been integrated in TMclass. To help you navigate through this new search classification tree, we have provided you with a TUTORIAL section. You can find this on the top right hand side of the TMclass home page.

    01  July  2013
  • Taxonomy implemented in TMclass

    Taxonomy has been successfully implemented in TMclass. This offers users an intuitive hierarchical structure search for Goods and Services. The Taxonomy hierarchical structure is based on Nice Classification terms, with broader terms on top and more specific terms below. It takes its data from the Harmonised Database. Fourteen EU national IP offices, plus OHIM, so far have their data incorporated into the Harmonised database, currently containing around 65,000 terms of goods and services. Taxonomy is the result of three years’ hard work and consistent cooperation between EU IP national and regional offices, user associations, OHIM and WIPO, and it will be continuously updated and monitored by them. Taxonomy will benefit the entire user community due to its simplicity and accessibility, as no prior classification knowledge is required: users can drill down through the tree to find the correct term. Related terms are presented together. Taxonomy is already being used by WIPO, and is available at the Nice classification section of WIPO’s website at: Further information resources on Taxonomy are available at OHIM’s website at:

    29  June  2013
  • Harmonisation of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic

    The Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic is now part of the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services, as a result the complete Czech translations of the Common Harmonised Database is now available to all the users through the TMclass application. This is the latest expansion in the Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services, which has been progressing positively and continuously since it was set up. The integration of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic into the "Harmonisation community" is another step forward for this common project; as it grows, it creates further benefits for European users by improving predictability.

    17  June  2013
  • Harmonisation of SIPO The National Trademark Office of the Republic of Croatia

    The Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services continues to grow with with the integration of the national trade mark office of the Republic of Croatia ( SIPO). As a consequence, the Croatian version of the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services is now available to all users through the TMclass application.

    07  June  2013
  • Rebranding Euroclass to TMclass

    It is with great pleasure that we announce the rebranding of Euroclass into TMclass. The expansion of the use of the tool has solidified its use as an important international IP support tool.

    01  June  2013
  • Harmonisation of Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic ( SKIPO)

    The Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services has taken another important step forward with the integration of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic ( SKIPO) into the "Harmonisation community" . As a consequence, the Slovakian version of the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services is now available to all users through the TMclass application.

    31  May  2013
  • KIPO- Korean Intellectual Property Office

    We are pleased to announce integration of The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) into TMclass. We are delighted to welcome them to the growing number of Participating Offices. TMclass now has a total of 31 participating offices, and offers the tool in 25 languages including Korean.

    16  May  2013
  • Outage of TMclass this evening 19:30 until 20:30

    OHIM has detected some technical problems with the TMclass service today. We will be enhancing hardware, which will require a technical intervention tonight (09/04/2013) at Spanish time: 19:30 until 20:30.

    09  April  2013
  • Harmonization of Polish Patent Office (PPO)

    Thanks to the common effort and the contribution made by the European Cooperating Offices, we are now in the position to offer the Polish Patent Office completed translations of the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services. The consolidation of the Harmonization project is bringing us closer to a common understanding

    02  April  2013
  • Harmonisation of the Greek office (D.C.I.P)

    We are pleased to announce that the Greek IP office (D.C.I.P) has reached the next step in the Harmonization project by using the completely validated Greek translations of the English Harmonized database as the accepted list of Goods and Services.

    15  March  2013
  • Harmonization of the Estonian Patendiamet Office

    We are pleased to announce that the Estonian office (EPA) has reached the next step in the Harmonisation project by using the completely validated Estonian translations of the English Harmonized database as the accepted list of Goods and Services.

    13  March  2013
  • Harmonisation of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria (BPO)

    The Harmonisation Project for Goods and Services has taken another important step forward with the integration of the Bulgarian Office into the "Harmonisation community" . As a consequence, the Bulgarian version of the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services is now available to all users through the Euroclass application.

    14  January  2013
  • Version NICE10.13

    We are pleased to announce that the version NICE10.13 opens with the New Year.

    01  January  2013
  • Integration of Latvian Office (LRPV) into EuroClass

    We are very proud to announce the integration of the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia into EuroClass. This completes the full integration of all EU National Offices including OHIM into the classification of goods and services tool.

    30  December  2012
  • WARNING : Office building maintenance

    Due to building maintenance it is likely that EuroClass will not be available from Friday 21/12/2012 18:00 until Monday 24/12/2012 16:00. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

    20  December  2012
  • Harmonization of The Maltese Office (CD-IPRD)

    Thanks to the common effort and the contribution made by the European Cooperating Offices, we are now in the position to offer the Maltese completed translations of the Common Harmonised Database on Classification of Goods and Services. The consolidation of the Harmonization project is bringing us closer to a common understanding.

    23  November  2012
  • Romanian Office Integration into EuroClass

    The Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks ( OSIM ) is now integrated into EuroClass. We are delighted to announce that OSIM brings the number of Participating Offices to 29 including OHIM.

    13  November  2012
  • Integration of The Japanese Patent Office ( JPO)

    We are pleased to announce The Japanese Patent Office (JPO) as the first Asian Language member of the EuroClass project. We are delighted to welcome them to the growing number of Participating Offices. EuroClass now has a total of 28 participating offices, and offers the tool in 24 languages including Japanese.

    30  October  2012
  • New data up-date for USPTO dated 13/09/2012

    EuroClass was most recently updated with the US Patent and Trademark Office's data on: 13-09-2012

    15  October  2012
  • EuroClass is now available in 23 Languages

    Since the EuroClass V2 go live November 2011 the interface has been offered in 5 languages. We are pleased to announce that after nearly a year of offering improved functionality and a stable environment EuroClass is now in 23 languages.

    01  October  2012
  • New data up-date for USPTO dated 26/07/2012

    The US Patent and Trademark Office's data has been updated on EuroClass as per 22/08/2012

    01  October  2012
  • New Tick Box to select the Nice Alphabetical List 10th edition

    Please note a change in EUROCLASS home page. You can now tick a box to search the Nice Alphabetical List (10th edition) only, for the classification of goods and services.

    16  July  2012
  • Croatia joins EuroClass version 2

    A new member has joined EuroClass. The addition of SIPO HR the Croatian Office, brings the total number of participating Offices to 27. Each of these new integrations brings us even closer to the OHIM strategic goal of creating a true network in the field of TM Classification.

    06  July  2012
  • USPTO last data up-date: 24/04/2012

    EuroClass was most recently updated with the US Patent and Trademark Office's data on: 24/04/2012

    18  June  2012
  • Hungary joins EuroClass version 2

    The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office is now a member of the EuroClass project, after joining on 16/06/12. We are delighted to see the increasing number of Offices joining the EuroClass Classification Project. The total number of participating Offices has now risen to 26. Each of these new integrations is proving the success of the tool.

    16  June  2012
  • Portuguese National Office cooperation with OHIM

    The Portuguese National Office is now harmonized. There are now eight offices sharing the Harmonised Database and accepting the same Goods and Services in each of their languages.This shows that OHIM is working successfully at expanding its collaboration network and increasing its partnerships for further convergence.

    04  May  2012
  • New data up-date for USPTO dated 15/03/2012

    The US Patent and Trademark Office's data has been updated on EuroClass as per 15/03/2012

    28  April  2012
  • The Italian National Office (UIBM) is harmonized

    OHIMs harmonization project continues to flourish and grow as the Italian National Office (UIBM) is harmonized. OHIM are delighted to see that the UIBM is using the completely validated Italian translations of the Harmonized database as their accepted list of Goods and Services. This is a significant step forward in raising convergence of practices in between National Offices.

    11  March  2012
  • OEPM in Harmonisation Project milestone

    The Spanish National Office (OEPM) has reached the next step in the Convergence Programme Harmonisation Project by adopting as the accepted list of Goods and Services the completely validated Spanish translations of the English Harmonised database. This signals a major step towards the creation of a new and robust European Trade Mark network based on one common practice. The new database is available for the users on the 31 of January on the OEPM Website.

    02  March  2012
  • New EuroClass participants : Cyprus and France

    Cyprus and France have joined the Office’s EuroClass project, as of 1 January 2012, taking the total number of participating offices to 22.

    01  March  2012
  • Slovenia and the US join EuroClass

    The Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and the United States Patent and TM Office (US-PTO) are now members of the EuroClass project, after joining on February 11. We are delighted to see the increasing number of Offices joining the EuroClass Classification Project. The total number of participating Offices has now risen to 25. Each of these new integrations brings us even closer to the OHIM strategic goal of creating a true network in the field of TM Classification

    23  February  2012
  • USPTO last data up-date: 11/02/2012

    EuroClass was most recently updated with the US Patent and Trademark Office's data on: 11/02/2012

    19  February  2012
  • New EuroClass participant : Austria

    Austria has joined the Office’s EuroClass project, as of 5 January 2012, taking the total number of participating offices to 23.

    09  January  2012
  • Nice Classification 10th Edition

    On January 1 2012, the 10th edition of the Nice Classification has entered into force and applied by OHIM. The Office’s databases and publications of CTM applications in the Bulletin will be adapted accordingly and will reflect the 10th edition as of 1 January next year for marks filed as of that date.

    03  January  2012
  • EuroClass v2 Go Live

    The new version of EuroClass is now available to the public. It provides access to the classification terminology (accepted Goods and Services terms) of Participating Offices. The new user interface improves the functionality and usability. The “look & feel” has been brought in line with TMView to harmonize the visual impression for users of both applications.

    11  October  2011